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Gaining Popularity of Lumpwood Charcoal

The ability of Lumpwood to light up quickly, burn hot, and last long without producing too much ash, are some reasons to why its demand is rising. Lumpwood is natural hardwood that comes from trees like oak, mesquite, maple, and hickory. It leaves a wonderful woody flavour over the grilled food giving it an exotic taste. This enticing aroma of wood left by Lumpwood charcoal over the food makes it a desirable option for grills.

How is Lumpwood Charcoal Made?

Wood of specific trees as mentioned are burnt in the absence of oxygen. The process burns away all the contaminants and water and what is left is pure carbon. There are no additives added, this is why the smoky aroma over the grilled food is completely different and unique. Some may find Lumpwood charcoal to be on the pricier side but this is because the charcoal is made from 100% natural hardwood. Therefore, the food cooked over it has a special aroma that is distinct from the others.

It takes under 20 minutes to get it blazing hot and burns hotter than other charcoal-like briquettes. It is also quite easy to control the temperature over the barbecue with Lumpwood charcoal because it is sensitive to burning in oxygen. Since it is natural, it comes in different shapes and sizes.

Pros of Lumpwood Charcoal

Here are some reasons to why you should buy Lumpwood charcoal for your grills and barbecue:

  • Easy to ignite
  • 100% natural hardwood
  • Makes very little ash after burning
  • There are no binders, additives, or fillers added to this charcoal
  • Burns very hot

What to Look When Buying Lumpwood Charcoal?

Depending on the food you are cooking, you may want to use Lumpwood charcoal accordingly. Usually, they come in different sizes – small, medium, and large coal pieces. Lumpwood charcoal will differ in their size and shape depending on the type of hardwood that has been used. Larger pieces of charcoal are more desirable as they tend to burn for a longer period. You may require small or medium-sized charcoal if you are grilling less food. A bag that comes with a mix of all sizes is an ideal choice. You must also ensure that you buy from a reliable source or supplier.

Where to Buy Good Quality Lumpwood Charcoal?

With more than 20 years of supplying coal throughout Europe, we have established ourselves among the top charcoal suppliers. We offer high-quality and premium grade charcoal for both commercial and domestic purposes. Besides Lumpwood charcoal, we also have Marabou charcoal and special Restaurant charcoal. The charcoal offered by us can be used for grilling, slow cooking, in Shisha or Hookah pipes, and similar such uses. Our charcoal is sourced from across the globe from the best places. We are based in Essex and Kent and will deliver you your order anywhere in UK.

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